
  • Poverty and Economic Decision Making: A Review of Scarcity Theory
    March 2022 – Ernst-Jan de Bruijn and Gerrit Antonides – Theory and Decision

    Poverty is associated with a wide range of counterproductive economic behaviors. Scarcity theory proposes that poverty itself induces a scarcity mindset, which subsequently forces the poor into suboptimal decisions and behaviors. The purpose of our work is to provide an integrated, up-to-date, critical review of this theory… Continue reading.
  • Determinants of Financial Worry and Rumination
    January 2020 – Ernst-Jan de Bruijn and Gerrit Antonides – Journal of Economic Psychology

    Significant parts of populations in developed countries frequently worry and ruminate about their finances. Financial worry and rumination can have serious psychological consequences, resulting in lower psychological well-being, mental-health problems, and impaired cognitive functioning… Continue reading.

Discussion papers

  • Debt Relief for the Financially Vulnerable: Impact on Employment, Welfare Receipt, and Mental Health
    July 2023 – Ernst-Jan de Bruijn, Heike Vethaak, Pierre Koning and Marike Knoef – IZA Discussion Paper No. 16336.

    We study the labor market and mental health impacts of debt relief among financially vulnerable individuals. We exploit a cutoff rule used by a Dutch welfare office to determine eligibility to debt relief of welfare debts. We use this cutoff as an instrument in both a fuzzy regression discontinuity and instrumented difference-in-difference design… Continue reading.


  • When co-residents affect your benefit level: Impact of the Dutch cost sharing standard
    (with Heike Vethaak and Marike Knoef)
  • The Effects of Application Processing Times and Prepayments on Welfare Receipt and Employment
    (with Heike Vethaak, Marike Knoef, and Pierre Koning)
  • Methods for Studying Financial Scarcity (with Leon Hilbert and Wilco van Dijk)
  • Experienced Administrative Burden of Compliance Demands in a Social Benefit Program: Scale Development and Antecedents (with Timo Verlaat and Gerrit Antonides)
  • Impact of Welfare Conditionality on Experienced Administrative Burden: Results from a Dutch Field Experiment among Social Assistance Claimants (with Timo Verlaat and Gerrit Antonides)


Publications in Dutch

  • Bijstand veelvoorkomende bron van schulden
    August 2024 – Ernst-Jan de Bruijn, Heike Vethaak, Pierre Koning, and Marike Knoef – Economische Statistische Berichten
    (Translation: Social welfare common source of welfare debts)

en_GBEnglish (UK)